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Discover your most profitable eCommerce customers and why!

Create customer groups based on their behavior and find out what factors make them buy more.

Create customer groups based on their behavior and discover the factors that make them buy more.

Start personalizing now!

Leverage your e-commerce data by applying customer intelligence.

Your e-commerce stores a large amount of customer data; now it’s time to start using it. The first step is to visualize this information clearly and simply to make the most out of it.

In this video, you will see how to group your customers based on their CLV (Customer Lifetime Value), which means how much they contribute to your business, and you will do this without needing any technical knowledge. By following the steps in this video, you'll gain insights into your customers like never before.

What will you learn from this video?

  1. How to access the CLV view in Pleasepoint
  2. How to interpret the CLV information for each created group.
  3. How to start leveraging the information by creating communication groups for each segment.

This new view of your customer database is important because it will be the foundation for starting to create personalized campaigns based on the value of your clients, and you’ll be able to stop running mass promotions.

Some Tips

It’s important to treat your high-value clients personally and remember that you don’t need to create very aggressive promotions for them to return... Avoid deteriorating your margins.

Medium-value clients are potential high-value clients. Learning what factors make clients move from one group to another is crucial when creating campaigns for this group.

For low-value clients, you can be more aggressive, but keep in mind that you might end up losing money... so measure your promotions carefully.

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With Pleasepoint, we have moved from the traditional campaign management model to a more dynamic, segmented, and enriched customer model, personalizing CRM campaigns and improving the conversion of our e-commerce channel customers.

Josep Jarque
Digital Project Manager & IT Architect

The implementation of one-to-one personalization has allowed us to generate much more interesting content for users, as well as foster loyalty, improve the shopping experience, and generate additional sales through personalized recommendations.

Jose Antonio Linde
COO of Condisline

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